Menu brings the new Viber Messages service!!

The and Cytech team every year visits the biggest technology conferences and conventions in order to keep track of all the new trends of Mobile technology and specifically Messaging.

The new trend in mobile messaging, presented this year, is Viber Messages, and is here to present you with this new service.

Viber is an ΙΜ (instant messaging) platform for communication between users and has big appeal for Greek mobile users. This platform has now become available to companies that want to communicate with their audience via Viber Messages!


Rich content with low cost!!

Viber Messages Service helps you take you communication to the next level, as it gives you the ability to send rich content to your users with low cost. Specifically:

  • Text up to 1.000 characters, Greek and/or Latin
  • Alphanumeric sender up to 20 Latin characters
  • Send an image in the message, following your text
  • Send a button under the image that will direct the user to a webpage of your choice
  • Comprehensive Statistics for your campaigns
  • See how many recipients actually read your message

Contact team and find out more about the service, the activation process and how you can start using it!!


Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Telephone: 2810-314127
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